Previous blogs have detailed the importance of an irrigation system for commercial and residential properties. Now we shall discuss the importance of winterizing your sprinkler system. Your system is vital in maintaining the appearance of your lawn. With that said, they do require a deal of maintenance.

Here are a few benefits of winterization for your sprinkler system.
Winterization Is Preventative Maintenance
Although some homeowners think of winterization as a DIY process, that is far from the case. Draining your irrigation system is far more complicated than just turning off your water and timer. The professionals at Aqua Bright have the necessary equipment to winterize your irrigation system so that your pipes aren’t exposed to any damage.
Your sprinkler system contains a vital part that is called a manifold. The manifold is the central part of your system as it regulates the water flow from your main line to the rest of your irrigation system. Replacing a broken manifold is expensive and quite laborious. By winterizing your pipes is easy to avoid this damage and prevent costly repairs.
Frozen Water Can Damage Your Pipes
Water will remain in your pipes if you take matters into your hands regarding winterization. As a result, that water will freeze and expand throughout your pipes, leading to them breaking together. Damaged pipes are expensive to repair and rather extensive. Having the water in your pipes and lines drained adequately reduces the risk of damaging your pipes.
Protect Your Sprinkler Head
By winterizing your system, your efforts go a long way in protecting the integrity of your sprinkler head. The sprinkler head is significant because, after all, this is where the water distributes. Water can still get frozen and trapped in your sprinkler head. As a result, pressure can accumulate, forcing your sprinkler heads to explode.
Get In Touch With Aqua-Bright Irrigation And Illumination Today!
Whatever the cause of your outdoor drainage or lighting woes, the professionals at Aqua-Bright can help you come up with a solution. For a consultation and to hear what we can do for you, give us a call at (410) 489-9009 or visit us online.