A drip irrigation system ensures that the majority of the water you use reaches the roots of your plants.
Are you seeking ways to enhance your curb appeal and landscape? If yes, you’ve arrived to the right place, Aqua-Bright. We install and service all brands of irrigation systems, such as Rainbird, Hunter, and Toro. This article explores the many advantages of a drip irrigation system and how it may enhance your gardens.
Save $$ on Water Costs
A drip irrigation system ensures that the majority of the water you use reaches the roots of your plants. You may lose up to 30% of the water you apply when you water your yard with overhead sprinklers during the day. If you lose that amount of water by using a sprinkler, then that cost is spent on water that will never reach your plants. Unfortunately, that is not an efficient use of your money or water. Utility bill savings might quickly pay the cost of drip irrigation installation resulting on a return on investment.
Prevent Landscape Erosion and Runoff
Landscape erosion and runoff can be substantial problems for many homeowners. When water is not absorbed into the ground and flows into a body of water or storm drain, this water often holds harmful elements like pesticides, sediment, fertilizers, or phosphates. It then deposits them into these bodies of water or drains. In addition, minimizing erosion and runoff helps maintain your soil’s integrity and our water supply. Fortunately, erosion is a thing of the past with the use of a drip irrigation system.
Minimize Weed Growth
Weeds can be a nuisance and harm your lawn. One way to minimize weeds is with drip irrigation. With these systems, water goes into the plant roots. This signifies there will be fewer weeds to compete for nutrients and water. So, allow sufficient spacing between holes or emitters to complement your plant spacing for maximum water efficiency.
Are you ready to switch to a drip irrigation system? At Aqua-Bright, our systems are designed to instantly work at the best times of the year, using an ideal amount of water without waste water. We also offer a 7-year warranty on all our installations.
As Always, Don’t Hesitate to Contact Aqua-Bright for All of Your Commercial and Residential Irrigation System Needs!
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